Business Builders
in Healthcare
Plexus Ventures is a prominent healthcare advisory boutique supporting companies of all sizes and capabilities to achieve their strategic objectives through corporate and business development deals.
Founded in 1990 by John F. Chappell, former Chairman of SmithKline Beecham Worldwide Pharmaceuticals, Plexus Ventures initially invested in early-stage companies developing new compounds or drug delivery technology. Salix Pharmaceuticals was one of Plexus’ most notable investments, later sold to Valeant Pharmaceuticals.
Since then, we have developed an international reputation in pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare business development, structuring and executing transactions and agreements among pharmaceutical and consumer healthcare companies worldwide. Our focus has expanded over the years, with our consulting services diversifying to biotechnology and medtech and diagnostics. We now effectively service a wide range of the healthcare industry.
We inherited “Ventures” from our early days as a seed fund, but we decided to hold on to it, since it defines our mission and approach to our work. We undertake projects we believe in and we invest alongside our clients in their endeavors to grow their businesses, committing our time and resources, while tying our success to theirs.
Our team of professionals are located in markets all over the world – the United States, Europe, and the Asia-Pacific market, including China and Japan – enabling us to combine local knowledge with global reach. Many have direct experience working within these environments and applying their functional expertise in widespread linguistic and cultural contexts. At Plexus Ventures, we value the diversified backgrounds of our team members, varying from medical and regulatory to development and marketing, giving them extensive and direct experience of the demands of the sector. This depth of knowledge is combined with our entrepreneurial approach, persistently seeking out strategies to surmount obstacles and achieve our clients’ business development objectives.
No two business transactions are alike. We are proud of our track record of success with both well-established and emerging healthcare companies who benefit from our comprehensive knowledge, deep relationships and industry expertise. We follow a carefully-designed, experience-based process for all of our service areas, based on our team members’ decades of experience in successful transactions. Every solution, however, is informed by a close understanding of each client’s circumstances and requirements, with an approach tailored to maximize value.
How can we help you?
Plexus Ventures assists with M&A, divestments, licensing, strategic advice and consulting.
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